Accordion Release

Muscle Relief


Can create deep relaxation through hamstrings, releases congestion in mid trap area lateral of C7 (2nd and 3rd ribs), relieves pressure from hips.

Tight hamstrings can (mechanically) pull on your upper back. Clean out dysfunction surrounding your sit bones to improve your sitting posture and relieve your upper back tension at the same time.

First, check how much tension you experience in your upper back when you shrug. Then keep your shoulders down and raise both arms out to the side. How much tension do you experience in your upper back now? Last, take notice of how natural your posture is sitting upright in a chair.

Begin this mobility by sitting chest-up in a wooden chair or on a box. Reach underneath your butt to find a big bone where your hips meet the chair. If you can not find these bones right underneath you, then sit up taller!

After you’ve located this boney landmark, place a lacrosse ball right in front (knee’s side) of this bone. Allow your leg to settle into the ball. These `muscles are thick, so they may take some time to sink into.

Maneuver your hips to slowly roll the ball around the front circumference of this bone. Locate the tenderness present within this area.

You’re trying to clean out the muscle in front of the bone of any adhesions. There are a lot of attachments here, so this is going to be uncomfortable. Stick with it. Spend maybe a minute or two here at first. Each time you return to this technique, increase the duration as your discomfort decreases.

When necessary, use your hands on the wooden chair (or box) to help you leverage your upper body in the task of chasing this tenderness thoroughly through. Breathe slowly and deeply until the issue resolves, and the pain dissipates.

After, recheck your shrug for tension. Raise your arms up and out to your sides. Stand up from the chair and sit back down. How does your posture feel? Come back to this mobility when you need to restore some function to your sitting position!

Side Note: Add the Diaphragm Release followed by a giant inhale into your upper chest for more immediate relief to your sitting posture.

Quick Reference:

1. While sitting, reach underneath your butt to find a big bone where the your hips meet your chair. If you can not feel it then sit up taller! Looking straight ahead, place a lacrosse ball under your thigh, right in front of this bone and rock your hips lightly, left and right, to break up the adhesions.


Heel Raking


Hamstring Splitting