Dura mater strain Relief



Can decrease pain/tingling down the arms, improved inspiration, temporarily breaks tension cycle to shoulders/upper back, general sensation of relief, relieves tension in neck

The dura mater is a fibrous tissue that surrounds your brain and spinal cord. When this structure becomes strained, it can bring body-wide dysfunction via the disruption of these two interconnected systems.

There is no pre-test for this technique. Confirmation regarding successfulness takes place within the mobility.

For this mobility, we’re altering a move from Alexander Technique with a slight shift in chin placement. With this shift, we can begin to gently realign the cervical vertebrae while simultaneously releasing our dura mater structure from a strained position.

Place a few books, 2.5 to 3.5 inches worth, on the ground of a level, flat surface. Lay on your back and place these books under your head like a pillow. Be sure that the height of the books allows you to look straight up, naturally. If you find yourself looking a bit behind you, then you have not added enough height to your stack. If you catch your eyes gazing a bit in front of you, then you have added too much height to your stack.

After you’ve found the right height and have gotten comfortable, slightly tilt your chin upwards, about half an inch. Once you’re in this position, take a deep breath and relax your shoulders into the floor. As you’re laying here relaxing, your head may start to move on its own accord. Allow your head the freedom of this movement. This movement is known as unwinding. When it settles again, make sure your chin resumes its slightly lifted position.

You’ll know you have successfully completed this technique when your body takes an unexpected deep breath. After, continue to stay in this position for another minute and then sit or stand up to finish.

Side Note: If your body begins to feel uncomfortable, reset your hips by bending your knees and placing your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips and place them back down again, followed by extending your legs back down to reset your position.


1. Lay on your back and place books under your head like a pillow.

2. After you’ve gotten comfortable, slightly tilt your chin up and relax for two minutes.

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