Cross Leg Stretch



Good stretch for glutes and vastus lateralis, can decrease mechanical pulling on hips, can decrease tension on outside of leg, can help relieve IT Band area discomfort

Tension in the backs of your legs and glutes can create a ‘caving’ of your hips in the front. This tension can prevent you from standing fully upright, giving you a ‘hinged-over’ posture. (Similar to an all-night gamer, yikes).

Start by laying on your back, bending your knees, and having your feet flat on the ground. Now, place one of your ankles over your other knee. Reach with both hands around the shin of the lower leg. Pull the shin close to your chest for a hip, glute, and vastus lateralis (outer thigh) stretch. (If flexibility is an issue, then grab behind the hamstring instead of the shin.)

As you get more comfortable with this stretch, its essential you begin stretching out your back while performing it. Place the back of your head on the floor while performing this move. Continue to deepen this stretch in your back by sliding the back of your head along the floor, away from your hips. Breathe.

Taking care of your hips by working this stretch not only makes your hips more reliable, it can help make you more reliable!


1. Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place one ankle on your other knee. Reach, with both hands, around the shin of the lower leg. Pull the shin close to your chest for a hip, glute, and vastus lateralis stretch. (For those less flexible, grab behind the hamstring.)


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