GunShot Method



Instant alignment of the pubic symphysis, possible hip alignment by way of a domino affect within the pelvis, can ease chronic groin pain if pain was caused by pelvic imbalance

Aligning the pubic symphysis can be quite easy and give instant relief to all other surrounding joints. If you’re experiencing pain in or around your hips, it’s a potential quick resolution. After five or six tries without success, it would be wise to move on to another technique. (Take note of the charts and continue your progress.)

Test with a torso twist, noting any tension, pain, or uneven pulling between the two sides. Also, take note of the difference in weight distribution between your two feet.

Technique #1

Lay on your back and bend your knees up, placing your feet flat on the ground. Place your feet about a foot’s distance apart. Then place in between your knees something light but will create space between your knees slightly wider than the distance between your feet. A folded pillow(s) works great if it’s dense enough. Squeeze the object between your knees. While continuing to squeeze your knees, squeeze your butt and raise your hips as high as they will go. Bring your hips back down and relax your knees. Readjust the object if you need to and perform the move again. Be sure to squeeze your knees first then follow through by squeezing your glutes second.

It can take about four to five tries for this technique to work, but once you hear a click or pop, then you’re done. It can happen on the first try. There is no point in exceeding seven tries on this.

Technique #2

If you don’t have a prop, the second way to realign the pubic symphysis is to sit upright on the floor with your feet 12 inches apart. Place one of your forearms gently in between your two knees. One knee should be touching the inside of your palm, and the other knee connected to the outside of your elbow.

Squeeze both knees gently together while simultaneously leaning your mid-back away from your knees for the max duration of two seconds. Attempt this only two to three times with both arms. If you feel or hear a pop, then you have been successful and can discontinue any further application.

Retest your torso twist to notice any changes. This retest is only necessary if you’ve successfully heard a click or pop sound.


Option 1: Lay down with your knees up, feet flat on the floor. Have your feet a foot’s distance from each other. In between your knees, place something wider than the distance between your feet. (A rolled up sleeping bag works great!)

Squeeze the object between your knees and then squeeze your butt, raising your hips as high as they’ll go.

Option 2: Place your feet about a foot’s distance apart from each other. Place your forearm between your knees. Staying in this position and squeeze your knees together. Draw your mid-back away from your knees and listen for a click. Hold for two seconds and discontinue after five attempts. (Try with both arms.)


Cross Leg Stretch


Pelvic Torsion