


Can relieve pain and/or pressure from upper chest, shoulder or tricep, can open arm up to fuller ranges of motion, can help reduce tension headaches, can improve posture by allowing the chest to open more fully (allowing head to rest in a more balanced position and shoulders to fall back and down)

An important muscle that can cause a lot of shoulder pain (with an elusive origin) is the subclavius. If by chance, this is the cause of your pain, when released, this one muscle alone can relieve your shoulder pain and open your chest like you’ve always dreamed of. If you’re ready, then its time to get this little bugger! (But be warned: he stings!)

Before beginning, check the range of motion in your shoulder, and the ease of your breathing in your upper chest.

Position a finger half-way along the length of one of your collar bones. Starting from underneath your collar bone, push in, underneath your collar bone, and up behind it. If you feel an intensely sore muscle here, then continue to hold onto this tenderness until the pain dissolves. Counterintuitively, you’ll want to ‘chase the tenderness’ to receive its full release. Breathe. Depending on your pressure, this can take twenty to forty seconds to release.

Afterward, move the arm around to see if the pain or loss of range you were experiencing before has been resolved. If you felt like you didn’t release the full trigger point, then go back in again with more determination. Perform only two to three attempts in one sitting to avoid excessive soreness the following day.

If you can’t seem to get the job done, then jab your finger in with strong, steady pressure and slowly lift your chin. Your fingers will naturally slide up towards the bone, trapping the trigger point between it and your finger, increasing your chances of release. This additional movement hurts more, but it can make a remarkable difference. Remember to breathe! Shake out any excess tension afterward.

Recheck your shoulder range of motion and upper chest inspiration. Note any improvements and feel the added freedom.


1. Feel your collarbone bow out halfway along its length. With strong fingers, push from underneath the bone, up and behind it. Chase the tenderness until it dissolves. Slowly lifting your chin to release.


Corkscrew Release


Pec Minor